The Granyon RAVE Design Framework: Making Every Donation Count

Interaction design
Design system

Giving makes you happy. It’s not just a feel-good statement; it’s backed by science. Research shows that people who donate to charity often experience greater happiness. A 2010 study highlighted that individuals who had the freedom to choose how much to give felt happier, especially when their donations were appreciated (1,2).

You might think that this understanding would make running an NGO straightforward—after all, if giving makes people happy, surely donations would flow effortlessly. But the reality is often quite different.

Since 2016, Granyon has collaborated with NGOs, and through numerous projects, we've identified a recurring issue: the design of donation flows. While managing expenses is a priority for any organization, NGOs frequently opt for standard donation systems that prioritize cost-effectiveness over engagement. These generic systems often lack the personalized touch that makes donors feel valued and appreciated.

Our experience at Granyon has shown that understanding the psychology behind why people donate can lead to more effective, engaging, and rewarding donation experiences. Many NGOs use in-person donation programs—like door-to-door appeals or public collections—where donors receive immediate appreciation and feedback. Contrast this with many online donation systems, which offer little personalization or feedback. These systems often reflect a focus on technical ease and cost rather than donor engagement.

To address this, we developed the RAVE framework—Reward and Appraisal Visitor Engagement. This framework helps designers focus on what drives donations and leverages these insights to create a more effective, enjoyable, and personalized donation experience. Our goal is to ensure that every element on an NGO website serves a clear purpose and enhances the donor's experience.

Here’s how the RAVE framework works in practice:

  1. Define Website Goals: Establish what the website aims to achieve overall.
  2. Set Goals for Each Page: Determine the purpose of each page.
  3. Identify Supporting Elements: Design elements that support the page goals.
  4. Craft the Tone of Voice: Develop a tone that provides positive, personalized feedback.
  5. Design Feedback Mechanisms: Create animations, videos, and text that offer appropriate and engaging feedback for user actions.
  6. Prototype and Test: Develop prototypes to test design and flow effectiveness.

The result is a structured approach that organizes the website based on goals, solutions, and feedback strategies, all tailored to enhance the donor’s experience.

Interested in transforming your NGO’s website with the RAVE framework? Reach out to the Granyon team. We’d love to share our experiences and discuss how we can help you achieve your goals. Contact

  1. Does Spending Money on Others Promote Happiness?
  2. Spending Money on Others Promotes Happiness, Elizabeth W. Dunn

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

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